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Bad Breath | Halitosis

Bad Breath | Halitosis

Everything you need to know about
Bad Breath & Halitosis

Everyone experiences breath odour at some point. Halitosis and fetor oris are other terms for bad breath. The mouth, teeth, or an underlying medical condition can all produce odour.

A chronic ailment or a short-term issue, bad breath can happen to everyone. The American Dental Association estimates that at least 50% of adults have had halitosis at some point in their lives.

Even if they have perfectly neutral breath, some people are sure they have foul breath. Others have bad breath but are unaware of it. It can be challenging to even detect your own breath, much less evaluate it.

Ask a reliable person for their honest assessment, preferably towards the middle of the day rather than right after finishing a tuna sandwich with extra onions.

Don’t panic if your concerns are validated and your breath is an issue. There are numerous natural cures for foul breath. Let’s examine a few of them in more detail.

Symptoms of Bad Breath

You can get a terrible taste in your mouth in addition to a bad odour. Even after brushing your teeth and using mouthwash, the taste may not go away if it is caused by an underlying problem rather than by food particles that got stuck in your teeth.

Bacteria are constantly present in the mouth, where bad breath often starts. Food fragments become stuck in your teeth when you eat. On these food scraps, bacteria develop and release sulphur compounds that have an unpleasant smell.

Foul dental hygiene is the main reason behind bad breath. If you don’t brush and floss frequently, plaque, a thin layer of germs, forms on your teeth and the bacteria in your mouth continue to multiply. The plaque has a bad odour and can cause tooth decay, which is also an unpleasant process if it isn’t removed by brushing at least twice a day.

All foods can get trapped in your teeth, but certain, like onions and garlic, can cause bad breath more frequently. These meals release sulphur compounds into circulation during digestion. Your ability to breathe is impacted when the blood gets to your lungs.

Although the mouth accounts for more than 90% of cases of bad breath, the issue might occasionally arise from another part of the body. Acid reflux, which causes the partial regurgitation of sour liquid, maybe the cause. Infections, side effects from diabetes, and renal failure are further potential causes. Starting a new diet, like the keto diet, can also cause a particular stench to come from your mouth.


Your dentist will check your breath and inquire about the issue. They could advise you to make an appointment early in the day before you brush your teeth. Find a local Dentist.

You can anticipate being asked about your eating habits, how frequently you brush and floss, and any allergies or illnesses you may have. Inform your doctor about your drug intake, how frequently you snore, and when the problem first occurred.

Your doctor will smell your mouth, nose, and tongue to try to identify the source of the odour in order to diagnose what is causing your bad breath.

In order to rule out an underlying disease or condition, your dentist will advise that you visit your family doctor if the odour doesn’t appear to be originating from your mouth or teeth.


Poor dental hygiene

Bacteria break down and digest food particles that become stuck in the mouth or on the teeth. In your mouth, bacteria and food decay combine to create an unpleasant stench. Regular tooth brushing and flossing remove trapped food before it decomposes.

Plaque, a sticky substance that accumulates on your teeth and produces odour, is also removed by brushing. Periodontal disease and cavities can be brought on by plaque buildup. If you wear dentures and don’t clean them every night, bad breath may also be an issue.

Strong beverages and food

When you consume foods like onions, garlic, or other pungent flavours, your stomach absorbs its oils during digestion. These oils move to your lungs after entering your bloodstream.

Your breath will emit an odour for up to 72 hours as a result of this. The consumption of odour-intensive beverages like coffee might also aggravate bad breath.


Smoking cigarettes or cigars dry out your mouth, which can further exacerbate the unpleasant stench on your breath.

Dry mouth

If you don’t produce enough saliva, you could also experience dry mouth. Saliva masks odours and keeps your mouth fresh.

If you have a salivary gland disorder, sleep with your mouth open, or use certain drugs, such as those for high blood pressure and urinary disorders, you may get dry mouth.

Periodontal disease

Periodontal disease, often known as gum disease, develops when plaque is not promptly removed from teeth. Plaque becomes tartar as it ages. Tartar cannot be removed by brushing, and attempting to do so will only aggravate your gums.

Tartar can lead to the development of pockets, or tiny openings, in the space between the gums and teeth. The pockets may become clogged with food, bacteria, and dental plaque, giving forth a pungent stench.

Throat, mouth, or sinus issues

You could acquire bad breath if you have:

  • A sinuses infection
  • Postnasal drainage
  • Chronic bronchitis
  • Upper- or lower-respiratory system infection

The bacteria-collecting nature of tonsil stones makes them a potential source of bad breath.


One sign of disease can be having bad breath. These diseases include:

  • Kidney failure or disease
  • Liver dysfunction or disease
  • Diabetes
  • Sleep apnea
  • Halitosis can be brought on by gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD), which is a very prevalent condition.


Periodontal disease may be indicated by persistent poor breath or a bad taste in the mouth. Plaque accumulation on teeth is the root cause of gum disease. Toxins produced by bacteria irritate the gums. Gum and jawbone damage may result from untreated gum disease.

When to call a doctor

If you are unable to eliminate foul breath on your own, consult your doctor to determine whether a more serious issue is to blame. A health issue may be indicated by bad breath. Diabetes, liver or renal disease, persistent lung infections, sinus infections, and chronic bronchitis are a few medical problems that can result in foul breath.

Find a local doctor


Dental cleaning may be the solution if plaque accumulation is the cause of bad breath. If you have periodontal disease, you could need a thorough dental cleaning.

Breath odour can also be improved by treating underlying medical conditions such a sinus infection or renal illness. If dry mouth is the root of your odour issue, your dentist may advise using an artificial saliva product and drinking plenty of water.

How can I avoid having bad breath?

Brushing your teeth twice a day is recommended (while taking care not to overbrush).

Daily flossing is recommended, being sure to reach all of your teeth. For everyday bacterial eradication, use antimicrobial mouthwash. Bacteria can also be removed by using a tongue scraper or toothbrush to brush your tongue.

Keeping hydrated can frequently aid in reducing or preventing bad breath. Drink water to flush away food residue and maintain moisture in your mouth. Quitting smoking can help keep your mouth fresh and odour-free while also keeping it moist.

Several practices can help avoid bad breath, including:

  • Every day. Clean your retainers, mouthguards, and dentures.
  • Every three months. Replace your used toothbrush with a new one.
  • Every six months. Arrange for a dental cleaning and examination.

Home remedies for bad breath

Good dental hygiene

Foul dental hygiene is the most frequent cause of bad breath, according to studies. The secret to keeping a healthy mouth is preventing plaque buildup. At least twice daily, you should wash your teeth for two minutes using fluoride toothpaste (morning and night).

For some people, brushing after every meal is essential to avoiding tooth decay and foul breath. By flossing at least once a day, you can stop bacteria from forming on food particles caught in your teeth.

Additionally, bacteria can build up on the tongue, giving off an unpleasant odour. You can get rid of this thin coating by tongue scraping. At least once every day, scrape or brush your tongue with a toothbrush or a special tongue scraper. Find out more about the benefits of cleaning your tongue.



A common traditional cure for foul breath is parsley. It may have a deodorising effect because of its fresh aroma and high chlorophyll content. Parsley can successfully counteract bad sulphur molecules, according to studies (not on human breath, though).

Chew on fresh parsley leaves after each meal to treat bad breath, or purchase a parsley nutritional supplement here.

Pineapple juice

Pineapple juice is frequently regarded as the simplest and most efficient way to remedy foul breath. Although there is no scientific proof to support this theory, anecdotal evidence suggests that it is effective.

Every meal should be followed with a glass of organic pineapple juice or one to two minutes of chewing on a pineapple slice. Remember to rinse your mouth out afterwards to remove any remaining sugar from the fruit and fruit juice.


According to research, dry mouth frequently contributes to foul breath. Your saliva helps keep your mouth healthy and clean. Bacteria grow without it.

Because your mouth naturally dries out while you sleep, morning breath is usually worse.

By keeping your body hydrated, you can avoid dry mouth. Water is the best beverage to consume throughout the day, avoid sugary or caffeinated beverages. Aim for eight glasses of water or more each day.


Lactobacillus, a beneficial bacteria, is present in yoghurt. These beneficial bacteria can help your body fight off harmful germs in several areas, including your gut.

According to research, yoghurt may also help lessen bad breath. According to a study, 80 percent of individuals had less bad breath after consuming yoghurt for six weeks. Yoghurt’s probiotics are good at lessening how awful foul breath is.

At least one serving of plain, nonfat yoghurt should be consumed every day to combat foul breath.


A well-known remedy for foul breath is milk. According to studies, drinking milk after consuming garlic can dramatically lessen breath odour.

Pour a glass of low- or full-fat milk before or after a meal that includes pungent foods like garlic and onions to employ this technique.

Fennel or anise seeds

Fennel and anise seeds have been used to freshen breath for ages. Roasted fennel seeds are still used in some regions of India as “mukhwas,” or mouth fresheners, to remove lingering dinnertime breath. They have a pleasant flavour and fragrant essential oils that leave the breath smelling clean.

You can consume fennel and anise seeds plain, roasted, or dusted with honey.


Oranges not only create a nutritious dessert but also help maintain oral health.

Because they don’t create enough saliva to wipe away poor-smelling bacteria, many people experience terrible breath. According to research, vitamin C helps to produce more saliva, which can help reduce foul breath. These vitamins are abundant in oranges.


Zinc salts, a component of certain mouthwashes and gum, help reduce bad breath. The number of sulphurous chemicals in your breath can be reduced with zinc. According to studies, regularly rinsing with a zinc-containing solution can help reduce bad breath for at least six months.

Try zinc-containing chewing gum that is made for dry mouth sufferers. Additionally, you can buy zinc nutritional supplements online or at your neighbourhood pharmacy.

Green tea

Bad breath can be treated at home using green tea. According to research, green tea possesses antiseptic and deodorising qualities that temporarily improve breath. A cup of green mint tea might be the best way to freshen your breath because mint has comparable benefits.

Before retiring to bed, make two cups of tea and let them steep in the fridge all night. Fill a water bottle with your chilled tea, then take it to work. Sip on it gradually all day long. Buy green tea with mint right here.


According to one study, raw apples have a potent anti-garlic breath impact. Apples’ natural components balance out the garlic’s pungent properties. Because it neutralises the chemicals in the bloodstream rather than just deodorising the mouth, this is particularly helpful for persons whose garlic breath persists.

Baking soda mouthwash

Baking soda, commonly known as sodium bicarbonate, has been proven in studies to be an efficient antimicrobial for the mouth. According to research, toothpaste with high baking soda concentrations effectively lessens foul breath.

Add 2 tablespoons of baking soda to 1 cup of warm water to make a mouthwash. Before spitting out the mouthwash, give it at least 30 seconds of vigorous swishing in your mouth.

Vinegar mouthwash

Acetic acid is a type of natural acid found in vinegar. An acidic environment does not favour the growth of bacteria, hence a mouthwash containing vinegar may inhibit bacterial growth.

To 1 cup of water, add 2 tablespoons of white or apple cider vinegar. Spit it out after at least 30 seconds of gargling.