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Complementary and Alternative Therapies

Complementary and Alternative Therapies


Alternative Medicine see Complementary and Integrative Medicine

Alternative Therapy for Cancer see Cancer Alternative Therapies

Botanicals see Herbal Medicine

CAM see Complementary and Integrative Medicine

Cancer Alternative Therapies


Complementary and Integrative Medicine

Compression therapy

Cryolipolysis therapy


Cupping Therapy

Dietary Supplements

Herbal Medicine

Homoeopathy see Complementary and Integrative Medicine

Hyperbaric oxygen therapy

Infrared sauna therapy

Integrative Medicine see Complementary and Integrative Medicine

Medicinal Herbs see Herbal Medicine

Non-Drug Pain Management

Ozone therapy

Phytotherapy see Herbal Medicine



Teas, Herbal see Herbal Medicine

Teas, Medicinal see Herbal Medicine

Trace Elements see Dietary Supplements

Complementary and Alternative Therapies

Treatment that is not part of standard medical care is known as complementary and alternative therapies.

These therapies range from HBOT,  colonic irrigation, acupuncture, homoeopathy, and aromatherapy.