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What is Ozone Therapy UK?

What is Ozone Therapy UK?

What is Ozone Therapy UK?

A unique form of treatment called EBOO ozone therapy encourages the metabolism of oxygen, boosts the immune system, and eliminates pathogens like viruses, fungi, bacteria, yeast, and protozoa. Utilizing a continuous, fresh supply of ozone, the most advanced ozone therapy now available may aggressively cleanse several litres of blood in a single session.

Ozone therapy is becoming more popular among patients as it makes a comeback in contemporary medicine!

How it Works

Pure Medical - Ozone Therapy

How it Works


By providing the mitochondria with oxygen, ozone promotes tissue oxygenation, resulting in more energy. Ozone decreases pain and inflammation to the extent that it improves blood circulation. Additionally, it activates antioxidant enzyme defences, which are essential for overall health and the scavenging of excess free radicals.

Medical ozone has been used to treat a wide range of illnesses and sanitises medical equipment for more than a century. Additionally, it might help keep wounds from becoming infected.

According to 2018 research, when ozone interacts with human fluids, the ensuing processes produce more proteins and red blood cells. Your body receives more oxygen as a result.

Ozone therapy can stop damaging physiological processes. Studies show that ozone therapy can deactivate:

  • Bacteria
  • Viruses
  • Fungi
  • Yeast
  • Protozoa

Who Can Benefit from EBOO Ozone Therapy?

Ozone Therapy

Who Can Benefit from EBOO Ozone therapy?

Extracorporeal blood oxygenation and ozonation, or EBOO Ozone therapy, is revolutionising how ozone is used to treat toxicity and chronic sickness. This type of ozone therapy has been used successfully and safely as part of a comprehensive treatment plan for the following conditions for more than a century:
Please get in touch with Pure Medical Group to see if EBOO Ozone therapy is a good fit for you if you experience any of the aforementioned symptoms or if you have any questions about how medical ozone might affect your condition.

What to expect

Pure Medical - Blood Ozone Treatments - M

What to expect

You can anticipate having your blood drawn from one vein, passed through an EBOO ozone therapy dialysis filter (created to clean blood from the debris of destroyed germs, heavy metals, fungus, etc.), ozonated in stages, and then reintroduced via another vein when you make an appointment for EBOO ozone therapy at Pure Medical Group.

The entire procedure, which is carried out in a closed environment to prevent contamination, takes about an hour to complete. 1.8 to 3 litres of blood will be filtered and ozone-enhanced during the dialysis process.

How Often Are Treatments Administered and How Many Do I Need?

Ozone Therapy to treat Insomnia Mobile

How Often Are Treatments Administered and How Many Do I Need?

Your overall health, age, and the condition you are suffering are all factors that affect how many therapy sessions and how much ozone is given to you. Patients receive treatments once a week, and often see improvement between the second and fourth sessions, with full activation of the antioxidant defence systems by the fourth session. The cycle may be repeated as often as every three to four months, depending on your healthcare provider’s recommendation.

Is EBOO Ozone Therapy Safe?

What to expect

Is EBOO Ozone Therapy Safe?

If inhaled, ozone has been shown to be extremely safe, causing only minimal discomfort to the respiratory system. The minimally intrusive nature of the procedure means that there are no obvious side effects. In light of this, before using ozone for medical purposes, please consult a doctor if you have been diagnosed with a specific ailment.

These may include the acute and chronic tendency for bleeding/haemophilia, pregnancy, photosensitivity (or patients currently taking photo-active medicines), active diverticulitis, active diverticulosis, low platelet count, porphyria (UV blood irradiation), uncompensated hyperthyroidism (graves status), thyrotoxicosis, a known deficiency of the glucose-6-phosphate enzyme (G6PD), asthma, severe cardiovascular instability, uncompensated diabetes, acute alcohol intoxication, massive and acute haemorrhage or apoplectic stroke, thrombocytopenia less than 50,000, serious coagulation disorders, severe hypertension condition, convulsive states, hemochromatosis, ozone intolerance, ozone allergy.

Ozone Therapy Pre-Procedure Guidelines

Transform your health

Ozone Therapy Pre-Procedure Guidelines

Although EBOO ozone therapy won’t affect your capacity to operate a motor vehicle, perform a job, or carry out other typical everyday activities, please adhere to the following recommendations from our doctors:

  • Water intake is critical. Please drink more water and eat before you go.
  • If you’ve previously had trouble drawing blood, let the doctor know.
  •  Review the suggested resources to broaden your understanding of EBOO medicinal ozone therapy.
  •  Notify the doctor of any drug allergies and changes to your medication.