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Gout Treatment UK

Gout Treatment UK


Gout Treatment UK

A buildup of uric acid causes gout, which is a broad name for several illnesses. Usually, the feet are affected by this buildup. If you have gout, the joints in your foot, especially your big toe, will most likely swell and hurt. Gout episodes can make your foot feel like it’s on fire due to sudden and extreme pain. Gout attacks without notice and, for some reason, in the middle of the night. It’s a severe discomfort in a joint, usually the big toe, although it can also affect the knees, ankles, elbows, thumbs, or fingers.

Gout attacks can strike at any time and cause agonising agony. The pain and inflammation normally go away after a few days with prompt therapy. They could, however, happen again at any time.

Gout affects between one and two people in every 100 people in the United Kingdom. Men over 30 and women after menopause are the most commonly affected. Gout is more common in men than it is in women.

Pure Medical provides the latest in Gout Treatment UK.

Gout Treatment UK

Pure Medical - Gout Treatments Mobile

Gout Treatment UK

Gout, if left untreated, can progress to gouty arthritis, a more severe form of arthritis. This painful illness can permanently damage and swell your joints.

Your doctor’s treatment approach will be determined by the stage and severity of your gout.

Gout medications act in one of two ways: they either ease pain and reduce inflammation, or they lower uric acid levels and prevent future gout attacks.

Gout pain can be relieved using the following medications:

  • Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), such as aspirin (Bufferin), ibuprofen (Advil, Motrin), and naproxen (Aleve)
  • Colchicine (Colcrys, Mitigare)
  • Corticosteroids

The following medications can help reduce gout attacks:

  • Xanthine oxidase inhibitors, such as allopurinol (Lopurin, Zyloprim) and febuxostat (Uloric)
  • Probenecid (Probalan)

Your doctor may recommend lifestyle modifications in addition to drugs to help manage your symptoms and lower your chance of future gout attacks. For instance, your doctor may advise you to:

A few complimentary therapies, as well, have shown potential.


Hyperbaric oxygen therapy

HBOT can help to reduce inflammation caused by immunological factors or infections. Furthermore, even if the disease is advanced, daily hyperbaric oxygen therapy reduces the inflammatory response; nonetheless, hyperbaric oxygen therapy for Gout is more beneficial in the early stages of the disease.


In cases of shoulder impingement, cryotherapy can help to reduce inflammatory reactions. It can also be used to provide analgesic relief. The range of motion can be increased as a result of these effects. Cryotherapy can help to reduce inflammation in gouty joints in the short term.

Ozone therapy

Ozone therapy at a concentration of 20 μg/ml was found to be an efficient biological dose for O3-AHT, with good curative efficacy and few side effects in patients with hyperuricemia and gout. As a result, low-dose O3-AHT could be a promising treatment option for hyperuricemia and gout patients.

Red Light Therapy

Red light therapy stimulates the release of endorphins (natural morphine); enabling the natural reduction of pain caused by gout. RLT relieves pain, increase blood flow and helps the body to reduce inflammation naturally.

Infrared Sauna therapy

Infrared sauna therapy help in the prevention of gout. Sauna sessions actually aid in the breakdown of uric acid crystals along with reducing acidity levels.


An IV line is inserted into a vein in your arm to provide medications during IV drip therapy. It can be used to relieve the symptoms of a current gout attack while also lowering the risk of future flare-ups and/or complications, such as tophus.

Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy outside the chamber

Hyperbaric oxygen therapy

HBOT can help to reduce inflammation caused by immunological factors or infections. Furthermore, even if the disease is advanced, daily hyperbaric oxygen therapy reduces the inflammatory response; nonetheless, hyperbaric oxygen therapy for Gout is more beneficial in the early stages of the disease.



In cases of shoulder impingement, cryotherapy can help to reduce inflammatory reactions. It can also be used to provide analgesic relief. The range of motion can be increased as a result of these effects. Cryotherapy can help to reduce inflammation in gouty joints in the short term.

Ozone Therapy

Ozone therapy

Ozone therapy at a concentration of 20 μg/ml was found to be an efficient biological dose for O3-AHT, with good curative efficacy and few side effects in patients with hyperuricemia and gout. As a result, low-dose O3-AHT could be a promising treatment option for hyperuricemia and gout patients.

Red Light Therapy

Red Light Therapy

Red light therapy stimulates the release of endorphins (natural morphine); enabling the natural reduction of pain caused by gout. RLT relieves pain, increase blood flow and helps the body to reduce inflammation naturally.

Infrared Sauna Therapy Mobile

Infrared Sauna therapy

Infrared sauna therapy help in the prevention of gout. Sauna sessions actually aid in the breakdown of uric acid crystals along with reducing acidity levels.

IV Drip Therapy


Medications for psoriasis are administered via IV drip infusion into the patient’s arms. Since infusion therapy delivers the medication directly into the patient’s bloodstream, many patients experience results more quickly than with other medications, usually within a week or two.
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