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Fibromyalgia Symptoms In Men

Fibromyalgia Symptoms
In Men

An illness called fibromyalgia is characterised by widespread pain in the muscles and bones, irregular sleep patterns, exhaustion, and mood swings. The illness may afflict men less frequently than women, according to doctors, but when it does, men may struggle with particular issues.

Men with fibromyalgia have not been the subject of much scientific study, and estimates of the proportion of men and women affected by the condition vary greatly.

According to the National Fibromyalgia Association, a 2001 study of the literature indicated that there were nine women with the disorder for every one man.

Self-help organisations in other places have estimated that there is at least one man for every eight women who have the illness. These organisations don’t rule out the likelihood that men make up 30% of fibromyalgia sufferers.

Even though some specialists estimate that up to 1.5 million males in the United Kingdom may have fibromyalgia, it may be more difficult for men to get a diagnosis because the ailment is more commonly associated with women.

On this page, we explain how to identify symptoms of fibromyalgia in men and how to treat it when it displays.

Risk Factors

In the United Kingdom, fibromyalgia symptoms in men affect about 2 percent of the adult population. Approximately 1.5 million people, in accordance with the NHS, are affected.

Some people are more likely than others to develop fibromyalgia. The primary risk factor is gender, with the following others:

  • A history of rheumatic illnesses, such as lupus, personally
  • A background of depression or mood disorders
  • A history of fibromyalgia in the immediate family
Fibromyalgia Symptoms in Men

Men and women may experience different fibromyalgia symptoms. Men’s fibromyalgia symptoms have long been thought to be milder than women’s.

In actuality, they might affect both sexes equally, and current studies suggest that the severity of symptoms might be the same across the board.

According to a 2017 study, men may see the doctor less frequently than women. When individuals complain of fibromyalgia symptoms like fatigue and muscle discomfort, they could also feel stigmatised as “wimpy,” “whiney,” or “lazy.”

According to the report’s author, men may find it more difficult than women to obtain disability benefits from employers if they go misdiagnosed.

A family may also be affected by reduced support available if a male rather than a woman is the main earner.

Fibromyalgia symptoms in males can range from minor to crippling. They could differ from person to person and consist of:

Diagnosis of fibromyalgia in men

A patient must have widespread pain for more than three months to receive a fibromyalgia diagnosis. There cannot be another known medical explanation for the discomfort.

It may be challenging for a man with fibromyalgia to receive a diagnosis since medical professionals must first rule out other disorders that have similar symptoms.

Fibromyalgia cannot be detected with lab tests, but a doctor may order blood tests and imaging to rule out other possibilities.

Some medical professionals mistakenly believe that fibromyalgia is a “female” disorder and may be hesitant to identify it in men.

When to visit a fibromyalgia specialist

The signs and symptoms of fibromyalgia in men can resemble those of other illnesses. Knowing when to visit a doctor can be challenging if the symptoms are not severe.

To rule out other diseases, a man who believes he may have fibromyalgia symptoms should contact a doctor.

It is also a good idea to inform the doctor if the symptoms worsen or change since they might want to alter the course of therapy.

Exactly how is fibromyalgia diagnosed?

Although illness doesn’t pose a life-threatening risk, fibromyalgia can lower your quality of life. Fibromyalgia can progress more slowly with early therapy.

Treatment for fibromyalgia

Although fibromyalgia cannot be cured, it can be managed. You still have the power to manage your discomfort and live a full, active life.

Some individuals can manage their pain with conventional drugs, such as over-the-counter (OTC) painkillers like paracetamol, ibuprofen, and naproxen sodium. Your doctor can recommend specific prescription medications to reduce pain and exhaustion if over-the-counter remedies are ineffective.

Men with fibromyalgia symptoms can get world-class alternative treatments from Pure Medical, including:

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