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Eczema Symptoms

Eczema Symptoms

What you need to know about
your Eczema Symptoms

Atopic dermatitis is the most frequent type of atopic dermatitis. However, eczema refers to a group of skin problems. They all create red, itchy, and often broken skin, but each variety has its own set of eczema symptoms.

This type of eczema begins with a severe itch. The telltale rash appears after you succumb to the impulse to scratch. When the skin is inflamed, it can break and bleed, or drip clear fluid.

The major symptoms are fairly universal, however, how frequently they occur and how severe they differ from person to person. There are also some significant changes based on your age.

Symptoms in toddlers:

  • It mostly affects the scalp and cheeks
  • Itchy, dry skin
  • Scales
  • Possibly oozing lesions
  • Itching causes agitation and difficulty sleeping

If your baby rubs the damaged region, a skin infection may develop.

Children’s symptoms include:

  • Eczema most commonly occurs behind the knees and inside the elbows. It can also appear on the neck, wrists, or ankles, as well as the area between the buttocks and the top thighs’ creases
  • Rash with a warm sensation to the touch
  • Raised areas with a scaly appearance that may crust over
  • Over time, the skin may swell, change colour, and thicken

Adult symptoms include:

  • Eczema commonly affects the hands, eyelids, and under the eyes.
  • Skin that is extremely dry and easily irritated and cracked

Over time, your skin may become thick and leathery.

Some adults just have eczema on their hands. This is a common pattern:

  • The skin seems inflamed, chapped, red, or brown
  • Itchy skin that feels hot or scorching
  • Skin becomes scaly and irritated in patches
  • Blisters can be itchy and unpleasant
  • The skin may bleed, split, or leak and crust over

Learn more about Atopic Dermatitis

Eczema flare-ups are caused by irritation or an allergic reaction to something that comes into contact with your skin, particularly your hands and face. Among the symptoms are:

  • An itching sensation followed by a rash
  • Skin that is sensitive and possibly unpleasant
  • A hive eruption or blisters that ooze and crust over

After prolonged contact with your triggers, your skin can grow thick, leathery, and cracked.

Learn more about Contact Dermatitis

The term “disordered sweat” was used to name this eczema. It was formerly assumed to be a sweat gland issue. Only the palms of the hands, the sides of the fingers, and the soles of the feet show signs. Symptoms of an outbreak typically follow this pattern:

Itching, discomfort, and possibly tingling, followed by small, itchy blisters

Blisters that may come together to form larger blisters

Sweat dripping from blistered areas

After the blisters have healed, the skin begins to peel.

Skin becomes irritated, scaly, and cracked over time. Your nails may thicken, alter colour, and become ridged or pitted.

Learn more about Dyshidrotic Eczema

Nummular is a word that means “coin-like.” This type of eczema gets its name from the patchy appearance it causes on your legs, forearms, and hands. Among the signs and symptoms are:

After a skin injury, tiny bumps grow, become crusty, and coalesce to form scaly coin forms.

Itching, burning or stinging that becomes worse when sitting or sleeping

Between the patches, the skin is dry.

As the patches fade, your natural skin colour darkens.

Learn more about Nummular Eczema

The scalp, especially in babies, and other places with oil (or sebaceous) glands are frequently affected by this type of dermatitis. It may disappear during childhood, but it reappears during adolescence (particularly in guys) and maturity. It is not always itchy, unlike many other types of eczema.

Scaly and oily spots on the scalp are common in newborns. The buttocks may be affected. It commonly occurs during childhood.

Symptoms in adolescents and adults include:

  • Scaly, greasy, flaky patches on the head, brows, and around the nostrils, as well as possible patches on the chest, back, underarms, and groyne
  • Swelling, redness, and inflammation
  • Flares that are triggered by factors such as dry, chilly weather, and stress

Learn more about Seborrheic Dermatitis

This type of eczema has been linked to blood flow issues, such as varicose veins. It most commonly affects the lower legs and ankles. Among the signs and symptoms are:

  • Over the troublesome veins, the skin becomes dry and discoloured.
  • Itching on the top of the foot that frequently spreads
  • Leg or ankle swelling and soreness that worsens during the day and improves at night

Stasis dermatitis can cause the following symptoms:

  • From the leg to the foot, the skin darkens and becomes thick and scaly.
  • Skin that is itchy and uncomfortable.
  • Sores that bleed easily

Learn more about Stasis Dermatitis

This is a rare type of eczema in which only one or two patches appear on a specific location, such as the nape of the neck, head, eyelids, or arms. Patches might form around the genitals or anus. Among the signs and eczema symptoms are:

  • An itchy rash that becomes worse if you scratch or rub it
  • Itching that becomes worse while you’re stressed or sleeping
  • Scratching causes pain

When a raised patch appears, it can:

  • Look scaly, leathery, and thick
  • Scratching causes the hue to change to crimson or violet
  • Develop bleeding sores
  • Itchiness increases

Learn more about Neurodermatitis

How Serious Is Your Eczema Symptoms?

The severity of eczema symptoms varies considerably from person to person. You may only have little patches of dry skin that become uncomfortable from time to time if you have moderate eczema.

Eczema inflames skin all over your body and creates constant itching that can be difficult to ignore in the more severe cases. It may be difficult to concentrate at school or at your job. Furthermore, you may scratch while sleeping, resulting in cuts and tears that lead to infection.

Lighter-coloured skin is frequently reddened by inflammation. On darker skin, it may be harder to determine, although it can cause grey, purple, or darker brown pigmentation.

When to call a doctor

Schedule an appointment if you have any of the following eczema symptoms:

  • You have an itchy rash and eczema or asthma in your family.
  • Treatment with over-the-counter hydrocortisone creams does not relieve the inflammation within a week. You may require more aggressive treatment.
  • Over regions of eczema, you obtain a yellowish to light brown crust or pus-filled blisters, especially if you’ve been scratching. You could have a bacterial infection that requires antibiotic treatment. Indeed, you’re more susceptible to viral and fungal skin problems.
  • You come into contact with anyone who has a viral skin condition like cold sores or genital herpes during an eczema flare-up. Eczema increases your chances of contracting the herpes simplex virus.
  • Eczema causes a large number of painful, tiny, fluid-filled blisters. Eczema herpeticum is a rare but deadly consequence of the herpes simplex virus.