Bottom Conditions
Bottom Conditions
Anal Cancer
Anal Fissure
Anal Pain (Proctalgia)
Bowel Cancer
Bowel Incontinence
Bowel Polyps
Bottom Conditions
Conditions affecting the Bum
Bottom Conditions
Symptoms Include:
Pain | Lump | Redness | Pus
Pain | Lump | Redness | Pus
A bacterial infection frequently causes an abscess, which is a painful collection of pus. Abscesses can form in any part of the body. If you suspect you have one, see your doctor. Without therapy, they normally do not improve.
Related Conditions:
Staph infection
Anal cancer
Symptoms Include:
Blood | Itch | Pain | Lump
Blood | Itch | Pain | Lump
Anal (bottom) cancer is an uncommon type of cancer that targets the big intestine’s very end. If you acquire any of the symptoms listed, consult a doctor. While anal cancer is unlikely to be the cause, it’s advisable to have it investigated.
Related Conditions:
Anal fissure
Symptoms Include:
Blood | Pain
Blood | Pain
A rip or open sore (ulcer) in the lining of the anal canal is known as an anal fissure. It’s located between the rectum (where stools (poo) are held) and the aperture in the bottom of the intestine via which stools are passed (anus). If you have any concerns, see your doctor.
Related Conditions:
Rectal bleeding
Anal pain (proctalgia)
Symptoms Include:
Anal pain (pain in the lower abdomen) is unpleasant. However, it is frequently the result of a mild, manageable ailment. Self-care methods can help with a variety of frequent causes of anal pain. If your pain is severe, doesn’t go away after a few days, or you have rectal bleeding, see your doctor.
Bowel cancer
Symptoms Include:
Blood | Change in bowel habit | Weight loss | Tummy ache
Blood | Change in bowel habit | Weight loss | Tummy ache
The term “bowel cancer” refers to cancer that starts in the large intestine. In the UK, bowel cancer is one of the most frequent cancers. It’s critical to recognise the signs and symptoms of bowel cancer and, if you’re eligible, to participate in a screening programme.
Related Conditions:
Bowel incontinence
Symptoms Include:
Bowel incontinence
Bowel incontinence
Bowel incontinence refers to the inability to regulate one’s bowel motions. This can result in stools being passed inadvertently (poo). If you suffer from bowel incontinence, see your doctor. It’s distressing and difficult to deal with, but therapy is effective, and cures are frequently attainable.
Related Conditions:
Urinary incontinence | Bedwetting
Bowel polyps
Symptoms Include:
Blood | Mucus | Constipation | Diarrhoea
Blood | Mucus | Constipation | Diarrhoea
Small growths on the inner lining of the large intestine (colon) or rectum are known as bowel polyps. Polyps in the bowel are fairly prevalent. Men are slightly more likely than women to have them, and people over the age of 60 are the most likely to develop them.
Symptoms Include:
Constipation | Change in bowel habit | Pain | Bloating
Constipation | Change in bowel habit | Pain | Bloating
Constipation affects people of all ages and is very common. You can typically treat it at home by making modest dietary and lifestyle modifications.
Diarrhoea and vomiting
Symptoms Include:
Diarrhoea | Vomiting | Nausea | Blood
Diarrhoea | Vomiting | Nausea | Blood
Adults, children, and babies are all susceptible to diarrhoea and vomiting. You can serve them together or separately. They’re frequently brought on by a stomach bug and will go away in a few days. If you’re worried about your or your child’s symptoms, look at the ‘when to seek medical treatment’ sections.
Genital warts
Symptoms Include:
Skin lesions
Skin lesions
Small fleshy growths, lumps, or skin abnormalities that occur on or around the genital or anal area are known as genital warts.
Related Conditions:
Penis problems
Haemorrhoids (piles)
Symptoms Include:
Sore bottom | Blood | itch | Lump
Sore bottom | Blood | itch | Lump
Haemorrhoids, often known as piles, are swollen areas of the body that contain enlarged blood vessels. These swells can be observed inside or around the bottom (the rectum and anus).
Hip pain in adults
Symptoms Include:
Hip discomfort usually improves on its own with rest and over-the-counter pain relievers. If any of the symptoms indicated (under ‘when to visit your GP’) apply to you, see a doctor. On this page, we’ll go through some of the most prevalent reasons for hip discomfort.
Related Conditions:
Itchy bottom
Symptoms Include:
Itchy bottoms are a symptom, not a condition. If you have an itch and want to scratch the skin surrounding the anus (your body’s exit point for poo). If your bottom has been itchy for more than a few days, you should see your doctor find out what’s causing it.
Related Conditions:
Haemorrhoids (piles) | Threadworms | Anal fissure | Eczema (atopic) | Psoriasis
Piriformis syndrome
Symptoms Include:
Piriformis syndrome occurs when the piriformis muscle in the buttock region spasms, resulting in buttock pain. The neighbouring sciatic nerve can be irritated by the piriformis muscle, causing discomfort, numbness, and tingling down the back of the leg and into the foot.
Related Conditions:
Rectal bleeding
Symptoms Include:
Small amounts of bright-red blood on toilet paper or a few droplets that tint the water in the toilet pink are common signs of rectal bleeding (bleeding from the bottom). Rectal haemorrhage should be monitored on a regular basis. Don’t let fear or shame keep you from seeing a doctor.
Related Conditions:
Anal fissure
Symptoms Include:
Worm in poo | Weight loss | Tummy ache | Diarrhoea
Worm in poo | Weight loss | Tummy ache | Diarrhoea
Tapeworms are flat, ribbon-like worms that can reside in your intestines if their eggs or young, recently hatched worms are swallowed. Tapeworm infections are uncommon in the UK, but they are very frequent elsewhere.
Related Conditions:
Worms in humans | Threadworms | Roundworm
Worms in humans
Symptoms Include:
Worm in poo | Itch
Worm in poo | Itch
Humans can be infected by certain types of worms. Some can only be caught abroad, while others can only be caught in the UK. The majority of worm infections aren’t dangerous and can be cured with medication.
Symptoms Include:
Itch | Irritable | Poor sleep | Weight loss
Itch | Irritable | Poor sleep | Weight loss
Threadworms (pinworms) are little worms that live in your faeces. They’re common among kids and spread quickly. You don’t need to see your doctor when treating them.
Related Conditions:
Worms in humans | Roundworm | Tapeworms