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Quality of Life Scale for Pain

Quality of Life
Scale for Pain


Quality of Life Scale for Pain

If you’re suffering from chronic pain, it’s undoubtedly affecting your quality of life. It doesn’t matter if your pain is caused by cancer, shingles, arthritis, an injury, or something else. One tool that can help your doctor analyse your discomfort is a quality of life scale. This similar scale can help you and your doctor track whether you’re improving, deteriorating, or experiencing treatment-related problems.

Who Developed the Quality of Life Scale for Pain?

The Quality of Life Scale: Outcome Measures for People With Pain was developed by The British Pain Society

How Is the Quality of Life Scale for Pain Used?

Completing this pain questionnaire gives your doctor a baseline of your pain when you first seek therapy for it. It demonstrates how pain impacts you in a variety of ways:

  • Your ability to work
  • Your ability to socialize
  • Your ability to exercise
  • Your ability to perform household chores
  • Your mood

Numbers on the Quality of Life Scale for Pain

The Verbal Rating Scale is a collection of adjectives that describe various levels of pain intensity. Patients are asked to choose the best adjective to describe their suffering. This should illustrate the extremes of this dimension, ranging from “no pain” to “very intense pain,” with enough intervening adjectives to capture gradations of pain intensity experienced in between.

  • No pain = 0
  • Mild pain = 1
  • Moderate pain = 2
  • Severe pain = 3
  • Very severe pain = 4

VRS are scored as above but these are ranks, not equal intervals.

The Quality of Life Scale for Pain Is One Tool to Manage Your Pain

Your doctor may use the Quality of Life Scale to help you manage your pain. Another tool that your health care provider might use to profile and manage your pain is a Pain Diary. You must record where the pain is, how intense it is, what you were doing when it began or worsened, and whether you utilised medicine or other therapies in the pain diary.

Chronic pain can be difficult to manage. From one appointment to the next, help your doctor helps you by providing an accurate picture of your pain and its impact on your life.