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10 Migraine Related Questions to Ask Your Doctor

10 Migraine Related Questions
to Ask Your Doctor

10 Migraine Related Questions
to Ask Your Doctor

If you suffer from migraines or other severe headaches, you’ll need to work closely with your doctor to find relief. To get started, bring these 10 Migraine-Related Questions to Ask Your Doctor.

Migraine Questions

  1. What can I do to figure out what causes my headaches?
  2. What should I record in my pain journal?
  3. Could any of my medications, such as birth control pills, be exacerbating my migraines?
  4. Is it possible that my migraines may go away in a few years?
  5. Can non-drug treatments such as hypnosis, biofeedback, or other relaxation techniques help?
  6. Is it possible that over-the-counter medications will be effective enough to relieve my pain? If so, how much and how frequently should I take them?
  7. Would migraine-prevention prescription drugs be likely to benefit me?
  8. What are the potential negative effects of the medications you’ve prescribed? What can I do to deal with or avoid them?
  9. Are there any lifestyle adjustments, such as diet, exercise, or meditation, that could help me avoid headaches?
  10. What effects might my migraine headaches have on my life, and what, if any, changes should I make?