4-in-1 preschool booster
4-in-1 preschool booster
All you need to know about
the 4-in-1 preschool booster
The 4-in-1 preschool booster vaccine is given to children starting at the age of 3 years and 4 months to help them protect themselves against four dangerous diseases:
- Diphtheria
- Tetanus
- Whooping cough
- Polio
When children should have the 4-in-1 preschool booster vaccine?
Children between the ages of 3 and 4 months are usually provided with the 4-in-1 pre-school booster immunisation.
The vaccine boosts part of the protection your child already has from the 6-in-1 vaccine, which he or she received at 8, 12, and 16 weeks of age.
How the 4-in-1 pre-school booster vaccine is given
The 4-in-1 pre-school vaccine is injected into the upper arm of your child.
Other immunisations can be administered with the 4-in-1 pre-school booster
The 4-in-1 pre-school booster can be given at the same time as other immunizations, such as the MMR vaccine.
When children receive the 4-in-1 pre-school booster vaccine and the MMR vaccine at the same time, each vaccine will be injected into a different arm, or a different spot on their arm if the same arm is required.
Effectiveness of the 4-in-1 pre-school booster vaccine
The 4-in-1 pre-school booster vaccine has been demonstrated to be quite effective in studies.
More than 99 out of 100 children who received the 4-in-1 pre-school booster were protected against tetanus, diphtheria, whooping cough, and polio in clinical studies.
Until they receive their 3-in-1 adolescent booster at the age of 14, the vaccine protects youngsters against these illnesses.
The 4-in-1 pre-school booster not only protects your child from these infections but also prevents them from passing the germs on to other babies who aren’t yet vaccinated.
4-in-1 pre-school booster side effects
The 4-in-1 pre-school booster has undergone extensive testing and has a proven track record of safety.
Although many children will have no problems as a result of vaccination, some may experience negative effects.
These are usually short-lived and mild. They usually occur 48 hours after the injection.
Very common side effects of the 4-in-1 pre-school booster
More than one out of every ten children who receive the 4-in-1 preschool booster immunisation may develop:
At the injection site, you may experience pain, redness, and swelling.
- A decrease in appetite
- Irritation or agitation
- Increased crying
- A high temperature (fever) of 38 degrees Celsius or higher
Common side effects of the 4-in-1 preschool booster
Up to one out of every ten youngsters who receive the 4-in-1 pre-school booster may develop:
- Being unwell or feeling sick (nausea or vomiting)
- Diarrhoea
- Swollen or aching joints
Side effects of the 4-in-1 preschool booster that aren’t common
Between 1 in 100 and 1 in 1,000 children who receive the vaccination may develop:
- Glands swollen
- A rash caused by the vaccine injection
Allergic responses that are severe
A severe allergic reaction, known as anaphylaxis, occurs very rarely when a child receives the 4-in-1 pre-school booster.
This is exceedingly unusual and can happen with any immunisation. It occurs in fewer than one out of every million vaccines.
If this occurs, it will occur shortly after the immunisation, and the doctor or nurse administering the vaccine will be prepared to handle the situation.
Children who are treated quickly make a full recovery.
What should you do if your child develops a side effect?
Swelling, redness, or a little hard lump where the injection was given may be present in some youngsters, and it may be painful to touch.
This normally only lasts two to three days and requires no treatment.
If your child’s temperature rises above 38 degrees Celsius, treat them with paracetamol liquid.
Read the label carefully and give your child the appropriate dose for his or her age.
Give them a second dosage 4 to 6 hours later if necessary.
Speak to your doctor or dial 111 if your child’s temperature remains high after the second dose of paracetamol liquid.
Vaccine safety is being monitored
The Medicines and Healthcare Products Regulatory Agency (MHRA) and the Commission on Human Medicines in the United Kingdom regularly assess vaccination safety through the Yellow Card Scheme.
Rashes, fever, being nauseous, and redness and swelling where the injection was given were the most common reactions recorded through the Yellow Card Scheme.
Safety of the 4-in-1 preschool booster vaccine
The 4-in-1 preschool booster vaccination has undergone extensive testing to ensure that it is both safe and effective.
The vaccination has been inactivated (killed), meaning it contains no live germs or viruses.
It is incapable of causing any of the illnesses it defends against.
REPEVAX is the brand name for the 4-in-1 pre-school booster. It has a strong boosting effect.
On the electronic drugs compendium website, read the REPEVAX patient information leaflet.