Sign Up Today
You are nearly there!
You simply need to complete the enquiry form and we create an account for your company.
Once provided, you’ll have access to your own dashboard where you can quickly add and remove members, examine monthly usage stats, and view billing details.
While we sincerely believe that our solution is clear and easy to use, if you have any questions or problems, please contact us at
Frequently asked questions
How much does it cost?
Each active member of your organisation will be charged £250 per month. Please email us at for additional details.
What happens when I invite a new member?
After accepting the invitation, members will get an email with information on how to register and use their benefits. The benefits will be given for a predetermined period of time of your choosing.
What happens when I un-invite a member?
The member will be informed via email that their organisation-sponsored therapy benefit has ended, with the option to continue uninterrupted counselling at their own expense.