14 Mindfulness Techniques for Anxiety Relief
14 Mindfulness
Techniques for
Anxiety Relief
Reduce Your Anxiety
Anxiety can drain your mental energy and have physical consequences. But, before you become worried about your anxiety, keep in mind that research has shown that simple mindfulness practice can help you reduce worry and stress.
Paying attention to daily life and the things we usually hurry past is what mindfulness is all about. It’s about returning to your body and turning down the noise in your thoughts.
Don’t worry, you won’t have to pay for an hour of class time or contort your body into awkward poses. You almost certainly already have all you need to practise mindfulness. Use these techniques to incorporate small bursts of mindfulness into your day to reduce anxiety and relax your mind.
1, Set goals for yourself
Your yoga teacher asks you to establish an intention for your practice that day for a reason. Setting an aim can help you focus and remind you why you’re doing something, whether you do it in your daily notebook or before essential events. Set an intention for anything that causes you to worry, such as delivering a large presentation at work.
Before going to the gym, for example, you can make an intention to take care of your body or to treat it with kindness before eating.
2, Use a guided meditation or mindfulness practise to help you relax.
Finding a piece of space and launching an app, meditation can be that simple. Apps and online programmes are a terrific way to get a taste of a discipline without committing to a costly class or devoting a significant amount of time. There are a plethora of free guided meditations available online.
3. Colouring or doodling
Allow yourself a few minutes to draw. You’ll get your creative juices flowing while also giving your mind a rest. Is drawing a source of anxiety for you? Invest in a colouring book, whether it’s for adults or children. You’ll benefit from the fact that you’ll be able to complete a task without having to face a blank page.
4. Take a walk
5. Express happiness to others
This practice from author and former Google pioneer Chade-Meng Tan takes only 10 seconds to complete. Wish for someone to feel cheerful at odd times during the day. It’s all in your head with this exercise. You don’t need to tell the person; all you have to do is set the positive energy in motion. Try it on your way to work, at the workplace, at the gym, or in line. Bonus points if you stop and (mentally) wish someone happiness instead of being annoyed or upset with them. Meng, who has been nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize eight times, could be onto something.
6. Lookup
Not only from your computer screen (although that should be done as well) but look up to the sky. Pause and take a few deep breathes into your lungs while you stare up at the stars, whether you’re taking out the rubbish or arriving home late. Allow the universe to serve as a reminder that life is bigger than your troubles or inbox.
7. Make a brew
In many cultures around the world, making a cup of tea is a profoundly treasured ritual. Set yourself up for success by concentrating on each step. When you first put the tea in the water, how does it look and smell? Feel the heat of the cup against your hand as you watch the steam rising from the cup. Sip your tea without interruption. Dislike tea? You can easily replicate while preparing rich, aromatic coffee.
8. Concentrate on just one item at a time
Yes, if done correctly, your to-do list may be a form of mindfulness. Set an alarm for five minutes and devote 100% of your concentration to one task. There will be no checking your phone, clicking on notifications, or perusing the internet, and there will be no multitasking. Allow that single assignment to take precedence until the alarm sounds.
9. Remove your phone from the equation
Yes, if done correctly, your to-do list may be a form of mindfulness. Set an alarm for five minutes and devote 100% of your concentration to one task. There will be no checking your phone, clicking on notifications, or perusing the internet, and there will be no multitasking. Allow that single assignment to take precedence until the alarm sounds.
10. Make domestic chores a mental break
Allow yourself to relax into the moment rather than fretting over your to-do list or clutter. While doing the dishes, dance or concentrate on the way the soap flows down the tiles while cleaning the shower. While you wait for the microwave to turn off, take five calm breaths. While folding the wash, daydream.
11. Keep a Journal
12. At traffic lights, take a breather
You can’t time travel or make vehicles move out of your way when you’re late, no matter how much no one wants to admit it. At each traffic light, instead of rushing, turn your attention within. Sit upright and still while you wait, and take four slow, deep breaths. When your anxiety and tension feel like they’re taking up the entire car, this exercise sounds simple, but the actual benefits emerge when your anxiety and stress feel like they’re taking up the entire car.
13. Log off from social media
While social media has its benefits, it can also increase your tension and cause you to lose focus. You’ll be surprised how often you check your social media accounts without even realising it. So, please log out. Forcing you to fill in a password repeatedly will slow you down or even halt you.
Set a time restriction or an intention for when you genuinely want to check-in. That way, you won’t be late for work or feel bad about wasting 20 minutes staring at a stranger’s kitten.
While you’re doing it, you might as well erase a couple of accounts. Using several social media sites was linked to anxiety among young adults, according to a recent study.
14. Check out
Actively attempting to remain mindful at all times can actually increase worry and tension. Recognize when you need to let off steam and let your thoughts travel wherever it wants. In your mindfulness practice, Netflix and chill have a place. Doing nothing has the same effect.
Even a smidgeon of mindfulness goes a long way. What matters most is that you practise mindfulness on a regular basis. According to a recent study, practising mindfulness on a regular basis can help you relax your mind and get over negative feelings. Try to check in with yourself at least five times a day and conduct a meditation or mindfulness exercise that you love.