Common Child Skin Problems
Common Child
Skin Problems
Identify your Child’s Skin Problem
What is that?
Are you concerned about your child’s rash, welt, or bump? Skin changes in children are frequently caused by illness, allergies, and extreme heat or cold. The majority of them aren’t serious and are simple to treat. Many of them can be identified by their appearance. Of course, you should always consult your child’s GP to be sure and receive the proper treatment.
1, Ringworm
Ringworm is not caused by worms. Furthermore, ringworm does not have to be itchy. A fungus that feeds on dead skin, hair, and nail tissue causes it. It begins as a red, scaly bump or patch. Then there’s the itchiness of the red ring. The ring’s edges are elevated, blistery, or scaly. Ringworm is spread from person to person or animal to animal by skin-to-skin contact. It can also be acquired through the sharing of items such as towels or sporting equipment. Antifungal creams may be prescribed by your doctor.
This infectious and relatively mild sickness only lasts a few weeks. The fifth disease is characterised by flu-like symptoms. A bright face (known as a ‘slapped cheek’ look) and a rash on the body follow. Coughing and sneezing spread it, and it’s most contagious the week before the rash shows. Rest, water, and pain medications are used to treat it (do not give aspirin to children). Call your doctor if your child has the fifth condition while you are pregnant.
3, Chicken Pox
The chickenpox vaccine has reduced the prevalence of this once-common rash in today’s children. It causes an itchy rash and red spots or blisters all over the body, and it’s highly contagious. The advertisements go through several stages. Blisters form, burst, dry out, and crust over. Chickenpox can be extremely dangerous. A chickenpox vaccine should be given to all young children. Teenagers and adults who have never had the sickness or received the vaccine should do the same.
4, Impetigo
Impetigo is a bacterial infection that causes red sores or blisters. These are prone to breaking open, oozing, and forming a yellow-brown crust. Sores can appear everywhere on the body, although they are most common around the mouth and nose. Impetigo can be passed from person to person or by sharing items such as towels and toys. It can be disseminated to other places of the body by scratching. Antibiotic ointment or oral antibiotics are used to treat it.
5, Warts
These strange but typically painless skin growths are caused by a virus. Warts can easily transmit from one person to another. They can also be spread by touching an infected person’s object. Fingers and hands are the most common places to find them. Tell your youngster not to pick at warts or bite their nails to keep them from spreading. Bandages can be used to cover warts. A simple freezing treatment can be performed in a doctor’s surgery to treat them.
6, Heat Rash – ‘Prickly Heat’
Sweat ducts that are clogged are to blame. Small red or pink pimples resemble heat rash. It commonly appears on a baby’s head, neck, and shoulders. The rash is frequently caused by well-intentioned parents overdressing a baby. In really hot conditions, though, it can happen to any child. Only add one more layer to your baby’s outfit than you are. If their feet and hands are cool to the touch, that’s fine.
Some children’s skin reacts to foods, soaps, or poison ivy, sumac, or oak plants. After skin contact, the rash usually appears 48 hours later. Mild redness or a rash of little red pimples might occur in minor cases. Swelling, redness, and bigger blisters are common in severe cases. This rash normally disappears in a week or two, although it can be treated with an anti-inflammatory cream such as hydrocortisone.
This is a common childhood ailment, despite its frightening moniker. The symptoms include a fever, severe oral sores, and a non-itchy rash. The rash appears as blisters on the hands, feet, buttocks, and legs. Coughing, sneezing, and soiled diapers are all ways for it to spread. As a result, wash your hands frequently. Coxsackie isn’t a serious illness, and it normally clears up on its own within a week.
9, Eczema
Eczema-prone children are more likely to suffer allergies and asthma. The specific cause is unknown. However, children who contract it have a weak immune system. A raised rash with dry skin and severe itching should be avoided. The most prevalent type of eczema is atopic dermatitis. As children get older, some outgrow it or have milder forms.
10, Hives
These itchy or burning welts can be caused by a variety of factors. Hives can be triggered by medications like aspirin (which should never be given to children) and penicillin. Eggs, nuts, shellfish, and food additives are all food triggers. Hives can also be caused by extreme heat or cold, as well as strep throat. Welts can appear anywhere on the body and persist anywhere from a few minutes to several days. An antihistamine may be beneficial in some cases. Hives can be a symptom of serious complications, especially if they are accompanied by breathing difficulties or facial swelling. Consult your doctor if the hives persist or don’t go away.
11, Scarlet Fever
Strep throat with a rash is known as scarlet fever. Sore throat, fever, headache, stomach pain, and enlarged neck glands are some of the symptoms. A red rash with a sandpaper texture appears after 1-2 days. The rash fades within 7-14 days. Scarlet fever is highly contagious, so wash your hands frequently to avoid spreading it. If you suspect your child has it, contact your child’s doctor. Antibiotics will most likely be used to treat them.
12, Roseola ‘Sixth Disease’
Roseola is a minor sickness named from a group of six frequent childhood rashes. It is most common in children aged 6 months to 2 years. After the age of four, it’s quite rare. It starts with a cold, then a high temperature for a few days (which can trigger seizures). The fevers then abruptly stop. They’re followed by a rash of little pink bumps that are either flat or slightly elevated. It appears on the chest and back first, then the hands and feet.
13, Cradle Cap
Cradle cap (also known as infantile seborrheic dermatitis) is a rash that appears on an infant’s scalp as scaling and redness. This is not a communicable or infectious skin problem. Seborrheic dermatitis is a common condition in infants that appears in the first few weeks of life and gradually fades over weeks or months. The illness is rarely painful or irritating.