20 Causes for Your Childs Skin Rash
20 Causes for Your
Childs Skin Rash
The Top 20 Reasons for Your Child’s Skin Rash
Many childhood disorders are caused by bacteria or viruses and can create a rash. These diseases are becoming less of a hazard to your child’s long-term health as research develops and more vaccines become accessible. A rash of any kind, however, should be treated carefully and may necessitate a visit to the doctor for evaluation. Here are the top 10 reasons for Bacterial and Viral rashes in children:
Chickenpox (varicella)
Chickenpox is caused by the varicella-zoster virus, which is a highly contagious disease. Although it is rarely a serious illness in otherwise healthy children, the symptoms last around two weeks and can be very distressing. Chickenpox can also be a serious sickness in those with weakened immune systems, including neonates, cancer patients on chemotherapy, athletes on steroids, pregnant women, the elderly, and people living with HIV. For children aged one year and older, a safe and effective vaccine to prevent chickenpox is now available.
Chickenpox can take up to 21 days to develop after being exposed to the virus through inhaling infected droplets from coughs or sneezes, or by coming into direct touch with the sores of chickenpox or shingles infected individual.
Chickenpox is characterised by an itchy rash that occurs first on the scalp, chest, back, and face and then spreads to the rest of the body.
The rash starts as a tiny, superficial blister in the centre of a red region. The blister finally bursts, allowing for some drainage, and the lesion forms a crust.
Fever, lethargy, sore throat, and red eyes are some of the other symptoms. In certain cases, fever and malaise can occur before the rash appears.
The virus is conveyed mostly through the child’s mucous membranes in the nose and mouth, but the rash is communicable as well. The youngster is contagious and is not allowed to return to school or daycare until the last lesion has emerged and crusted over.
Once chickenpox has started, there is no cure, but your doctor can give you prescriptions and guidance to help with the itching and discomfort.
Never give aspirin to a youngster, particularly one who has chickenpox. Reye’s syndrome, a fatal condition, has been linked to children who take aspirin, especially if they have chickenpox. Check any additional over-the-counter medications for aspirin or salicylates, as these are frequently found in combination with over-the-counter cold medications.
The cornea, or transparent front section of the eye, can be affected by chickenpox on rare occasions. If your child has chickenpox on the tip of his or her nose, it’s usually a sign that the eyes will be affected as well. Consult your doctor right away.
If your child develops lesions in the genital regions internally or inside the mouth, see a doctor right away.
Measles is caused by a paramyxovirus. Although a safe and effective vaccination exists to prevent this disease, outbreaks do occur in persons who have not been sufficiently immunised.
Nasal congestion, eye redness, oedema, tears, cough, tiredness, and a high temperature are common symptoms.
The child will develop a red rash on the face on the third or fourth day of the sickness, which will spread quickly and remain for around seven days.
Another rash that appears as white patches inside the mouth is possible.
There is no treatment for measles once it has started. Your doctor, on the other hand, may prescribe medications to treat your cough, eye symptoms, and fever. Aspirin products are not allowed because they can trigger Reye’s syndrome, which is a life-threatening illness.
Secondary bacterial infections of the middle ear, sinuses, lungs, and lymph nodes in the neck occur in some children. Antibiotics can be used to treat these infections.
Children with measles appear sick and unpleasant, but the illness normally clears up within 7-10 days with no long-term consequences.
Make sure your child gets all of the necessary immunizations to avoid contracting measles. The measles vaccination is included in the MMR (measles-mumps-rubella) vaccine, which is given at 12-15 months of age and then repeated at 4-6 years of age.
Rubella (German measles)
Rubella is a considerably milder virus-borne illness that affects children (rubivirus). Symptoms may appear 14 to 21 days following viral exposure. Rubella is a considerably more deadly disease if transmitted in the womb, causing deafness, cardiac abnormalities, vision issues, retardation, and other symptoms in the infant.
Rubella starts with a pink/red rash on the face, spreads to the rest of the body, and clears up in 4 days.
Your child does not appear to be sick, but swollen lymph nodes in the neck, particularly behind the ears, may develop.
Rubella can also be readily avoided with the use of an efficient vaccine (MMR).
If the woman contracts rubella early in her pregnancy, it can be exceedingly dangerous to the unborn child. Immune status should be checked on all women of reproductive age.
Scarlet fever (Scarlatina)
Strep throat with a rash is known as scarlet fever. Streptococcal germs cause throat infections. In the winter and early spring, it is most frequent in school-aged children, but it can affect people of any age and in any season. It is highly contagious, especially when transmitted by saliva. Hand washing can help to reduce the chance of transmission.
The rash isn’t dangerous, but the underlying strep throat infection can lead to significant problems. Rheumatic fever is the most concerning of these, a dangerous condition that can damage heart valves and lead to long-term heart problems.
The child’s symptoms start with a sore throat (which can be moderate), followed by a fever, headache, tummy pain, and swollen neck glands.
The youngster develops a rash on the body that is red like sunburn and has a sandpaper texture after 1-2 days of these symptoms. When compared to the general rash, the skin folds in the neck, armpits, elbows, groyne, and knees are frequently a darker red colour. The rash normally sloughs off after 7-14 days, and peeling is common.
The skin surrounding the mouth appears normal or pale, despite the fact that the face is flushed.
The tongue can resemble a strawberry, with red lumps.
Antibiotics can be used to treat streptococcal bacteria.
If you suspect your child has strep throat or scarlet fever, take him or her to the doctor right away.
Your child will need to take an entire course of antibiotics, which should be finished even if he or she is feeling better before the end of the course.
If your child’s fever has subsided and he or she is feeling better, he or she may return to school 24 hours after starting antibiotics.
Slapped cheek syndrome
The fifth disease, also known as erythema infectiosum or “slapped cheeks,” is caused by a virus (parvovirus B19) that is transferred through respiratory secretions such as coughs, and sneezes, saliva, or nasal mucus. This disease is more common in the winter and spring, but it can strike at any time.
The child is sick and exhausted at first, and then a rash forms. Bright red cheeks are a symptom of the rash (the symptom inspiring the name slapped cheeks disease). The rash is warm, non-tender, and itchy at times.
A lacy rash appears on the skin and spreads across the body in 1-2 days. When the skin is cool, the rash appears to recede, but when the skin is warm or active, the rash becomes more evident. The youngster is no longer contagious after the rash appears.
Fifth disease isn’t a big deal in generally healthy kids, but it can be a big deal in kids with sickle cell anaemia, leukaemia, or AIDS.
Pregnant women’s unborn foetuses may also be affected by the condition. Children who develop the rash are free to return to nursery or school because they are contagious only before the rash occurs.
Roseola Infantum
Exanthem Subitum, often known as roseola, is a common paediatric ailment caused by the human herpes virus 6 or 7. The sickness is more common in children under the age of four.
The symptoms include a high, spiking fever that lasts 3-4 days and is followed by the appearance of a rash.
Small, pink, flat, or slightly elevated lesions begin on the trunk and progress to the neck and arms, then to the face and legs in some cases.
After the fevers have subsided, the rash emerges. “Fever, fever, fever…rash” is a common phrase used to describe this condition.
Despite the alarming temperature, the illness is not hazardous and improves without treatment. Acetaminophen or ibuprofen can be used to treat fever.
In children who are susceptible, a fever, especially if it increases quickly, can cause a “febrile” seizure. If you’re worried about having a seizure, speak with your doctor.
Coxsackieviruses and other enteroviruses
In children, enteroviruses, such as coxsackieviruses, are a common cause of fever and rash. Hand-foot-and-mouth disease and herpangina are two common infections caused by coxsackieviruses. Infections with the Coxsackievirus are more common in the summer and autumn.
Children with hand-foot-and-mouth disease have a fever and a rash. Blisters on the mouth and tongue, as well as blisters on the hands and feet, are all part of the condition.
Herpangina is a viral infection that causes a fever, sore throat, and painful blisters or ulcers on the back of the mouth that make swallowing difficult. Loss of appetite, stomach pain, headaches, and joint pain are all possible symptoms in children.
There is no specific treatment for fever other than acetaminophen (Tylenol) or ibuprofen (Advil). Aspirin and aspirin-like products should never be given to children because they can cause Reye’s syndrome, which is a life-threatening illness.
Make sure the youngster is adequately hydrated since mouth and throat pain can lead to decreased fluid intake and dehydration.
The infections are not hazardous, but they can be avoided by washing hands thoroughly and not eating from other people’s plates or sharing straws.
Impetigo is a bacterial infection of the skin caused by streptococcal or staphylococcal bacteria. It usually appears around the nose and mouth, but it can appear anywhere. The rash is more common throughout the summer. It can also be caused by an infection of damaged skin.
Impetigo starts as little superficial blisters that burst, leaving red, exposed skin areas.
This rash frequently develops a honey-coloured crust.
The rash might be irritating at times.
Impetigo is highly contagious as well. A child’s infection can spread to other parts of their body or to other people.
Topical or oral medicines, as well as antibacterial soap, are effective treatments for this skin infection.
After 2-3 days of therapy, your child is usually no longer contagious, and the rash begins to cure in 3-5 days.
If the rash does not cure by the third day of treatment, or if it spreads while on treatment, your kid should contact a doctor.
When impetigo is accompanied by poison ivy or scabies, your kid may benefit from anti-itch medicine while the antibiotics are working.
Fungal and Parasitic Rashes
Parasites and fungal illnesses can spread quickly through a nursery or your child’s class at school because youngsters commonly share many things and are less likely to take hygiene precautions than adults. Keep an eye on your youngster if he or she is itching or losing hair for an extended period of time.
Scabies causes an itchy rash that is aggravated by bathing or sleeping. It’s caused by a mite (Sarcoptes Scabiei), a tiny bug that burrows beneath the top layer of skin. Close bodily contact, like sleeping together or sharing clothing, is how it spreads. It can also be spread through sexual contact. Mites can live in clothing, bedding, and dust for several days.
The rash appears two weeks after your child has been exposed to the mite.
Scabies causes an itchy rash that appears between the fingers, in the armpits, and on the inner wrists and arms. Except in babies and with severe infestations, it tends to avoid the head, palms, and soles.
The wavy pattern where the mite has burrowed can sometimes be seen.
Scabies can be prevented by maintaining proper hygiene, washing hands frequently, and not sharing clothing with others.
A doctor should be consulted if your child has an itchy rash that lasts more than 2-3 days.
Prescription treatments are available to eliminate the mites and reduce the swelling and itching associated with allergic skin reactions.
Everyone in the house should be treated for mite infestation if anyone in the family has been diagnosed with scabies.
The mattresses must be vacuumed and all clothing and bedding must be washed in hot water.
The fungus Microsporum Canis, Microsporum Audouinii, or Trichophyton Tonsurans causes ringworm, which is a local infection of the skin. Doctors call these infections “tinea,” and there are various types, including tinea corporis (body ringworm) and tinea capitis (head ringworm) (ringworm of the scalp). Despite the fact that they are both caused by the same organisms, they are treated in distinct ways. Ringworm can be spread by friends (by exchanging combs, brushes, or hats) or by pets in the home. You should take your child to the doctor if you suspect he or she has ringworm.
The lesion of tinea corporis begins as a red, slightly scaly oval that grows larger over time.
It’s possible that the rash will be itchy.
The rash may clear up in the centre and appear to be normal skin.
Tinea capitis is characterised by a round to oval area on the scalp that is accompanied by hair loss.
The region of the scalp may enlarge and flow at times. This is known as a kerion, and it is the body’s reaction to the tinea fungus.
Tinea capitis can also appear as dandruff with hairless areas on the head, ranging from mild to severe.
Tinea corporis is easily treated with topical medicines that your doctor can prescribe.
Unfortunately, it is easily disseminated among family and friends, resulting in numerous uncomfortable return visits.
This loop can be broken by combining good hygiene with proper therapy.
Call your doctor if you experience any complications, such as a secondary bacterial skin infection, or if you don’t see any improvement after four weeks.
Tinea capitis necessitates the use of an oral prescription prescribed by your doctor.
Athlete’s Foot
A fungal infection of the skin causes athlete’s foot (tinea pedis).
Athlete’s foot is characterised by an itchy rash between the toes.
Although over-the-counter drugs can be used to treat athlete’s foot, other causes of rash can look similar. If you feel your child has athlete’s foot, you should take him or her to the doctor.
Rashes in the Newborn
Every little bump or red spot generates concern when you first bring your baby home from the hospital. It’s typical for your infant to develop a few rashes on his or her skin. With newborns, diaper rash and cradle cap are unavoidable. It’s essential to see a doctor if you feel your child is suffering from more than minor skin irritation.
In healthy neonates, small yellow to white dots appears on the nose, cheeks, and chin.
Epstein’s pearls are small cysts or milia on the gums or roof of the mouth.
Milia are self-resolving and do not require treatment.
These dots aren’t contagious.
Seborrheic Dermatitis (Cradle Cap)
Cradle cap is a greasy, scaly, red, bumpy rash that affects the head, behind the ears, armpits, and nappy area.
This rash is not dangerous and can be treated by your doctor quickly. There is no need for immediate medical attention.
Infantile Acne
Infantile acne is a self-resolving condition that affects mostly male babies in their first six weeks of life. Although treatment is not essential, you can talk to your doctor about your options.
Erythema Toxicum
This rash has a frightening name, but it should be referred to as “the usual newborn rash” because it affects almost half of all newborns.
Small blisters on a red base are the first signs of the rash.
Sometimes only the blotchy red base of the blisters is visible, while other times the blisters contain white or yellow material.
The rash appears on the second or third day of life and lasts for around two weeks.
The rash isn’t dangerous, it’s not contagious, and it doesn’t need to be treated.
Because the rash can resemble other forms of rashes, consult your doctor if you have any questions or concerns.
Miliaria (Prickly Heat)
Small, transparent blisters appear on the nose with this rash. Sweat production in a hot climate, as well as clogged sweat glands, induces it. When a youngster is overdressed, he or she is more likely to develop this rash. It improves on its own.
Candidal Rash (Yeast Infection)
Candida albicans causes this nappy rash, which is a fungal or yeast infection of the skin. Thrush, or white plaques in newborns’ mouths, is caused by the same bacteria. A candidal rash is caused by a combination of the moist diaper environment and the presence of Candida albicans in the normal gastrointestinal tract of children.
A raised, highly red rash with discrete borders is discovered. A ring of tiny scales may surround the edges.
Smaller lesions, known as satellite lesions, may appear around the main rash region, which is typical with candidal nappy rashes.
Because of the warm, damp environment, the rash usually affects the creases and folds.
This rash is easily treated with drugs prescribed by your doctor, however, it is prone to recurrence. Thrush will be checked by your doctor as well.
Seborrheic Dermatitis
Seborrheic dermatitis is a greasy, scaly, red nappy rash that appears in the creases and folds, similar to candidal rashes. Unlike candidal rashes, the rash is usually wet and greasy in appearance rather than aggressively red or scaly. This rash is not dangerous and can be treated by your doctor quickly.
Irritant Nappy Rash
This rash is caused by the effects of urine and faeces on the newborn’s delicate skin. Unlike seborrhea or candidal nappy rash, this rash spares the creases and folds.
Change soiled or damp diapers as soon as possible to avoid diaper rash.
Make sure babies’ clothing is well cleaned, and avoid using fabric softeners, which can irritate sensitive skin.
Many doctors recommend letting the bottom be exposed for several hours each day, particularly to aid in the healing of a nappy rash.
Topical ointments containing zinc oxide or Vaseline can also act as a barrier and aid in nappy rash recovery.