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Cord Blood Banking
#1 choice of OB/GYNs,
expectant parents

for newborn stem cell preservation

Cord Blood Banking

More Stem Cells = More Options. It’s that simple.

#1 choice of OB/GYNs,
expectant parents

for newborn stem cell preservation

Cord blood is the blood that remains in the placenta and umbilical cord after the birth of your baby. Cord blood is rich in stem cells, which can be used to treat many different cancers, immune deficiencies and genetic disorders.
Nearly 100 diseases, such as leukaemias, lymphomas, and anaemias, can be treated with cord blood stem cells; advanced clinical studies are looking for cures for many more, such as autism, cerebral palsy, and diabetes. These potent stem cells’ entire therapeutic potential is still unknown.
More of these valuable cells may be safely, and effectively stored thanks to our patented Cord Blood processing technology procedure, providing clinicians with more therapy alternatives. Children can be treated until adolescence and into adulthood by conserving up to 2x as many stem cells as the industry-average method, and the option for numerous treatments is also possible. Only PureCordâ„¢ is providing this technique in the UK.

Cord Blood
Banking & Storage

PureCordâ„¢ along with our sister company Stem Cell Health created a completely proprietary system for cord blood extraction. Although there are alternative choices for collecting cord blood, PureCord can harvest up to twice as many stem cells as rival collection companies.
Our industry has extensively acknowledged PureCordâ„¢ for producing above-average collections:
“PureCordâ„¢ can harvest substantially greater quantities of stem cells for preservation compared to conventional cord blood stem cell collecting methods. The key benefit is that patients, who are larger in size, can receive hematopoietic stem cell transplants using the cord blood units. Traditionally, the volume of stem cells maintained throughout a cord blood unit’s typical processing has only been enough to treat patients weighing up to 60 to 70 pounds.”

Twice the Industry Standard

PureCordâ„¢ collects up to twice as much Cord Blood as the industry standard.

PureCordâ„¢ collects up to twice as many stem cells as the industry standard.

Before this development, it was common for a cord blood collection to only have enough stem cells to treat a patient weighing up to 65 lbs. Depending on the medical collection and treatment needs, PureCordâ„¢ allows us to collect enough stem cells to treat patients weighing up to 165 lbs.

This means that PureCordâ„¢ increases therapy options for smaller patients, who may still benefit from the higher amount of stem cells available to carry out treatment, and assists parents in protecting their children through adolescence and possibly into adulthood.

We’re dedicated to providing more patients with this worthwhile stem cell resource as a therapy option.

View our Cord
Banking Packages

Everything you need to know
about Cord Blood Banking

The safe and painless procedure of collecting and storing the leftover blood in your newborn’s umbilical cord after the doctor clamps the cord is known as cord blood banking. All blood that is kept at Purecord’s facility is cryo-preserved until your child may require it.
The use of hematopoietic stem cells from cord blood can treat more than 100 medical diseases. Many also take advantage of the chance to basically invest in the future of stem cell science by acknowledging the treatment potential revealed in clinical studies for disorders like autism, cerebral palsy, and diabetes.
The doctor removes the blood still in the umbilical cord into a collection kit provided by PureCordâ„¢ after clamping it and giving the mother and child the necessary care. The kit is then picked up by a medical courier and delivered to our laboratory, it is then prepared for cryopreservation.
The medical advantages of cord blood banking should be seriously taken into account by all families. Families that have a history of illnesses that these stem cells can treat or who are participating in promising clinical studies for such illnesses may be more motivated to bank these stem cells. Families from minority and mixed racial origins frequently face difficulties finding donor stem cells in the United Kingdom; therefore, they should think about stem cell banking to ensure that a match is accessible should therapy ever be necessary.
Cord blood stem cells can be used to treat nearly 100 different diseases. The majority of the treatments that are currently deemed effective are for blood-related illnesses including leukaemias and anaemias. However, these cells can also treat various other diseases, such as lymphomas and some forms of multiple sclerosis. Advanced clinical trials are also being conducted for various illnesses, including diabetes, autism, and cerebral palsy.
Siblings can commonly be treated with cord blood stem cells, and in fact, many of the treatments for which these stem cells have been employed have been for siblings. When it is feasible, families should bank all of their children’s cord blood to provide the greatest likelihood of a match in the event that treatment is necessary. There is a 50% chance that cord blood will match a sibling.
If the HLA matches between the parent and the child, a parent can undoubtedly utilise their child’s cord blood for treatment. Patient and donor compatibility is compared through HLA (Human Leukocyte Antigen) typing. HLA are proteins, or markers, that are present in the majority of your body’s cells. These markers are used by your immune system to distinguish between cells that belong in your body and those that don’t.
Siblings, parents, and grandparents can all benefit from using a newborn’s cord blood. The cord blood can be used regardless of whether the child’s blood type coincides with that of the grandparents. Instead, the cord blood is safe to utilise as long as the receiver is an acceptable HLA match to the child. The matching process is similar to that used in matching an organ or bone marrow transplant.
All available information indicates that, under the right circumstances, cord blood can be kept indefinitely. The most popular storage option offered by PureCordâ„¢ is for a 20-year duration, which can be extended at any time. Additionally, we offer lifetime storage plans.
Families must individually decide if they want to bank their children’s cord blood as an investment in the field of future stem cell medicine.
Every year, tens of thousands of parents decide to take advantage of this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity because there are numerous established treatments and research trials for a variety of additional disorders that are in progress.
Although the first successful bone marrow transplant was performed in 1956, stem cell medicine had already been established for over 70 years by the time the first transplant of cord blood stem cells was performed in 1988. PureCordâ„¢ a division of Pure Medical Group was established in the UK in 2021, while our European sister Company Stem Cell Health’s blood bank was established in 1984.
To make cord blood banking as inexpensive as possible for more families, PureCord™ offers a variety of flexible payment options, including one-time, annual, and monthly payment plans. Costs for the first year might be as low as £699.

The act of keeping a baby’s stem cells for later use by the family who banked them is known as private cord blood banking. The stem cells belong to the family.

Stem cells from donated cord blood are placed in a bank from which anyone who matches the donor can obtain stem cells. However, around 70% of donated cord blood is wasted, and the cost to extract these stem cells can reach £50,000, making it much more expensive than private banking.

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